Topographic Mapping

Topographic mapping services helps in route planning, thematic data preparation, and decision-making for telecom and transport services and disaster management. The 3D topographic maps cover an area of approximately thousands of square kilometers and therefore require experienced expertise.
At SATPALDA, expert photogrammetric professionals utilizes data from various sources to generate wide variety of mapping products including contour, planimetric and cultural CAD and GIS files, digital terrain models (DTMs) and other feature for the customer. A highly qualified team with explicit knowledge of advanced spectral processing techniques can extract features and information for use in spatially-referenced business systems. Advanced spectral analysis has the potential to determine differences in landcover by using a range of indices and functions and thus our skilled and experienced operator generate classes of landcover that reflect the complexity of the spectral characteristics in an image source. SATPALDA, being a distributor of high resolution satellite imageries from various satellites, has a vast source of detailed spectral bands to refine and improve landcover classification.