3d Modeling

SATPALDA provides unique 3D modeling solutions for customers small and large. Our 3D models offer a cost-effective way to make use of high-density, high-accuracy 3D models. 3D modelling occupies a crucial place in today’s industries & business houses for designing & analysis of products & services.
Our 3D models are not only being used for assessing areas that are difficult and dangerous to access, but they can also be used for planning, decision-making, and design across many different industry sectors. We offer a full range of services including 3D topographic maps, infrastructure and asset 3D models, cartographic feature extraction, map updating, digital city models and 3D city models in urban areas and stockpile yard 3D models. The data source for a 3D model is point location from the surface of the structure or object. We employ specialized software to convert the images obtained from aerial imagery into a highly accurate, sophisticated 3D model.